Sunday 4 July 2010


Shocked to know that lying starts at the age of 3

Why do people lie? The simple answer: it’s easy. Virtually everyone lies, and most people are pretty good at it, according to Evidence suggests that most people learn to lie at a very early age. Starting at about three, children will lie to avoid getting into trouble. By age five, when it comes to dodging punishment, most kids are expert liars.

For adults, lying serves purposes other than avoiding punishment, although most adults have tried lying to get out of a traffic ticket or other more serious infractions. Robert Feldmen, a University of Massachusetts psychologist, said in a LiveScience article that adults want to control how others see them. And they want to control how they see themselves.

According to Feldmen, people will lie to appear more agreeable and to impress others in a social situation. In effect, they want to elevate their self-esteem. “Once their self-esteem is threatened, people will lie – immediately.” They will lie about the kind of car they drive, where they live, and how much money they make.

I think it depends on what lie you are telling to determine whether it is bad or not. For example if it was a little white lie that doesn't hurt anyone feelings i believe it is okay, however if it is a big lie that has been building over years and years and can destroy people lives then obviously it is very wrong.

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