Sunday 4 July 2010


Whether they are on arms, legs, ankles or buttocks, tattoos are painted all over our bodies by injecting ink into our skin. Decorating our bodies with tattoos is a popular fad among many people.The word, tattoo originates from the Tahitian word tattoos, which means "to mark" and was first mentioned in explorer James Cook's records from his 1769 expedition to the South Pacific.

Body modification is a universal art form that has been practiced for thousands of years. It is done for such motivations as sexual enhancement, a rite of passage, aesthetic reasons, denoting affiliation, trust and loyalty, religious or mystical affiliations, shock value, and self-expression. Piercing is one of the most mainstream forms of body modification today as well as tattoos. Some other body modifications are as follows:

Some types of body modification

  • amputation
  • anorexia
  • bodybuilding
  • body piercing
  • breast implants
  • castration
  • circumcision 
  • cosmetic surgery 
  • liposuction
  • tongue splitting


One controversial form of body modification is people attempting to resemble another race, such as Asians having their epicanthic folds modified to resemble Caucasian eyes or skin lightened with dyes, or African-Americans straightening their hair. Modification of another body without their consent for non-therapeutic reasons, such as in routine male and female neonatal circumcision, is also highly controversial. Sometimes the term body mutilation (or in this case, genital mutilation) is used by opponents to describe such procedures.

Body modification and tattoos are very serious things and therefore i believe should be thought about for a very long time, having had a tattoo myself i already regret it and do not really like it no more. Does anyone else have any tattoos they hate or actually really like?.

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