Sunday 4 July 2010



keeley said...

I agree there is having a tattoo and then totally going overboard. I saw this website and it was the top 10 regret tattoos. There was one man that looked like a 2 year old child had drawn his tattoo. I believe if you have thought about what you want over a good amount of time then why not go for it. As long as its not too crazy.

4 July 2010 23:43



There are approximately 27 million shoplifters (or 1 in 11 people) in our nation today. More than 10 million people have been caught shoplifting in the last five years.

Shoplifting affects more than the offender. It overburdens the police and the courts, adds to a store's security expenses, costs consumers more for goods, costs communities lost dollars in sales taxes and hurts children and families.

Shoplifters steal from all types of stores including department stores, specialty shops, supermarkets, drug stores, discounters, music stores, convenience stores and thrift shops.

There are different reason why people may shoplift it may be due to financial difficulty, however some people say it is an addiction. I do not believe this at all, if you wanted to stop i believe you could its just greed that overtakes them.


One of the latest trends in cheating is emotional affair. Through the Internet unhappy spouses are establishing friendships that unintentionally cross over from a simple friendship to something much more. This can be especially devastating to a marriage because this cannot only lead to a physical affair, but it is normally on a much more intimate level than the purely physical affair.

Infidelity can happen in a marriage for many reasons. It could be that the person who is cheating doesn’t feel like they are getting enough from the marriage or that they have low self esteem. It could even be, that they are looking for a way out of the marriage, but can’t gather the courage to ask for a divorce.



keeley said...

I do agree that people may not feel that there is a spark in their relationship anymore. If this is the case i believe they may not be in love and instead of toying with the idea of cheating why not just call it a day move on, saves the lies and deceit.

4 July 2010 15:17
Some Bandits and Outlaws include:

Jesse Woodson James (September 5, 1847 — April 3, 1882) was an American outlaw, gang leader, bank, train robber, and murderer from the state of Missouri and the most famous member of the James-Younger Gang.

Jesse and his brother Frank James were Confederate guerrillas during the Civil War. They were accused of participating in atrocities committed against Union soldiers. After the war, as members of one gang or another, they robbed banks. They also robbed stagecoaches and trains. Despite popular portrayals of James as a kind of Robin Hood, robbing from the rich and giving to the poor, there is no evidence that he and his gang used their robbery gains for anyone but themselves.[2]

Bonnie and Clyde

Bonnie Parker (October 1, 1910 – May 23, 1934) and Clyde Barrow (March 24, 1909 – May 23, 1934) were notorious outlaws, robbers, and criminals who traveled the Central United States during the Great Depression. Their exploits were known nationwide. They captured the attention of the American press and its readership during what is sometimes referred to as the "public enemy era" between 1931 and 1935. Though the gang was notorious for their bank robberies, Barrow preferred to rob small stores or gas stations. The gang was believed to have killed at least nine police officers, among several other murders.

Many Bandits and Outlaws were seen as heroes, they were also very well known and many of them have had songs about them and books writ about them. You could call them celebrities in a different form to our usual image of celebrities.


Some reasons why people drink alcohol

  • To change the way their body or mind functions.
  • To help them create an image of themselves-Like smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol is another way of trying to show people that you are mature or grownup. Drinking certain types of alcohol, like champagne, is a way of showing your wealth or celebrating.
  • Because of group pressures-this pressure is faced by most young people at some point in time. A person may feel the need to drink to show that they are a part of the group. Often non-drinkers will be pressured to join in and drink with he rest of the group.
  • Out of curiosity -Many younger people have their first experience with alcohol to see what it tastes like and feel its effects. Older people who have developed a taste for certain alcoholic beverages like to try different types
Statistics about alcohol

The number of alcohol-related deaths in the United Kingdom has consistently increased since the early 1990s, rising from the lowest figure of 4,023 (6.7 per 100,000) in 1992 to the highest of 9,031 (13.6 per 100,000) in 2008. Although figures in recent years suggested that the trend was levelling out, alcohol-related deaths in males increased further in 2008. Female rates have remained stable.

There are more alcohol-related deaths in men than in women. The rate of male deaths has more than doubled over the period from 9.1 per 100,000 in 1991 to 18.7 per 100,000 in 2008.


Shocked to know that lying starts at the age of 3

Why do people lie? The simple answer: it’s easy. Virtually everyone lies, and most people are pretty good at it, according to Evidence suggests that most people learn to lie at a very early age. Starting at about three, children will lie to avoid getting into trouble. By age five, when it comes to dodging punishment, most kids are expert liars.

For adults, lying serves purposes other than avoiding punishment, although most adults have tried lying to get out of a traffic ticket or other more serious infractions. Robert Feldmen, a University of Massachusetts psychologist, said in a LiveScience article that adults want to control how others see them. And they want to control how they see themselves.

According to Feldmen, people will lie to appear more agreeable and to impress others in a social situation. In effect, they want to elevate their self-esteem. “Once their self-esteem is threatened, people will lie – immediately.” They will lie about the kind of car they drive, where they live, and how much money they make.

I think it depends on what lie you are telling to determine whether it is bad or not. For example if it was a little white lie that doesn't hurt anyone feelings i believe it is okay, however if it is a big lie that has been building over years and years and can destroy people lives then obviously it is very wrong.

keeley said...

I do agree that stealing is stupid to build your reputation, if any thing it would down grade your reputation as you may be known as thief. A thief in my area could also be called a tramp which i do believe is not good for your reputation.

4 July 2010 22:33


Whether they are on arms, legs, ankles or buttocks, tattoos are painted all over our bodies by injecting ink into our skin. Decorating our bodies with tattoos is a popular fad among many people.The word, tattoo originates from the Tahitian word tattoos, which means "to mark" and was first mentioned in explorer James Cook's records from his 1769 expedition to the South Pacific.

Body modification is a universal art form that has been practiced for thousands of years. It is done for such motivations as sexual enhancement, a rite of passage, aesthetic reasons, denoting affiliation, trust and loyalty, religious or mystical affiliations, shock value, and self-expression. Piercing is one of the most mainstream forms of body modification today as well as tattoos. Some other body modifications are as follows:

Some types of body modification

  • amputation
  • anorexia
  • bodybuilding
  • body piercing
  • breast implants
  • castration
  • circumcision 
  • cosmetic surgery 
  • liposuction
  • tongue splitting


One controversial form of body modification is people attempting to resemble another race, such as Asians having their epicanthic folds modified to resemble Caucasian eyes or skin lightened with dyes, or African-Americans straightening their hair. Modification of another body without their consent for non-therapeutic reasons, such as in routine male and female neonatal circumcision, is also highly controversial. Sometimes the term body mutilation (or in this case, genital mutilation) is used by opponents to describe such procedures.

Body modification and tattoos are very serious things and therefore i believe should be thought about for a very long time, having had a tattoo myself i already regret it and do not really like it no more. Does anyone else have any tattoos they hate or actually really like?.


There are many different "BAD" drugs that can harm the body and mind, according to DR. Ben Kin
some of these drugs include-

1.Heroin - popular street names include smack, skag, and junk.
2.Cocaine - often referred to as snow, flake, coke, and blow.
3.Ketamine - a powerful hallucinogen, often referred to as Special K.
4.Cannabis - includes marijuana.

5.Solvents - volatile substances that can be inhaled, such as glue, nail polish remover, paints, hair spray, and lighter fuel (gas).
7.GHB - short for Gamma hydroxybutyrate, a powerful central nervous system depressant, most commonly known as the date rape drug.

9.Alkyl nitrates - group of drugs commonly referred to as poppers.
10.Khat - an amphetamine-like stimulant.

Below are some statistics about drugs based on adults aged 16 to 59 living in England and Wales-

In 2005/06, 10.5% of adults had used one or more illicit drug in the last year, a decrease from 12.1% in 1998.
6.3% had used an illicit drug in the last month, a fall from 7.1% in 1998.

The use of any Class A drug in the last year has increased, from 2.7% in 1998 to 3.4% in 2005/06, mainly due to a rise in the use of cocaine powder.

Men are more likely to take illicit drugs than women, 13.7% of men compared with 7.4% of women took drugs in the last year.
Death Rate
Deaths caused by drug overdoses — from legal and illegal substances — have risen to their highest level since 2001, new figures show
There were 2,928 deaths directly linked to drug poisoning in England and Wales last year, an increase of 11 per cent on 2007, with notable increases in deaths due to heroin, cocaine and antidepressants. The figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that 2,075 deaths were among men and 853 among women. More than half of these (59 per cent) were described as “drug misuse” resulting from taking illegal drugs.

Overall i do believe drugs are a big problem within society as they can cause so many deaths and also ruin peoples lives.


Masturbation is the sexual stimulation of one’s own body. This includes manual stimulation as well as foreign object use. Sometimes also called autoeroticism. Many people believe whatever your perspective on masturbation, humans masturbate simply because it feels good. Only humans torture themselves over moral, ethical and religious taboos surrounding any sexual practice aimed at gratification.

The consensus of those doing a statistical analysis of who masturbates is that around 90% of the total male population and 65% of the total female population masturbate from time to time.

The modern fear of masturbation can be traced back to the 18th century. It first became popular through a brochure which appeared in London in 1715, and was translated and reprinted in several european languages and in many editions: "Onania, or the heinous sin of self-pollution, and all its frightful consequences in both sexes considered", it reached its climax during the 19th century.
Some religions teach that masturbation is wrong and immoral, while religious leaders like Dr. Dobson offer a different view. Below are some people who believe masturbation is morally wrong:

Jessica Steinmetz: "Catholicism teaches that masturbation is a sin. Any sexual action that does not lead to an opportunity of creation of a human life and is outside the union of marriage is considered a sin."


Pastor Paul: "...the Catholic Church has interpreted certain Scripture passages as a divine prohibition against masturbation and has backed its belief up with church teaching. Mormons also think it a sin. And the practice is widely condemned by evangelical Christians. At the same time, many Christian groups consider masturbation to be a harmless activity and not inherently sinful."

Overall there are many mixed view on whether or not masturbation is a good or bad thing.

Thursday 1 July 2010


There are 1.1 billion smokers in the world today, and if current trends continue, that number is expected to increase to 1.6 billion by the year 2025. This may be surprising as it sounds so much but Worldwide, approximately 10 million cigarettes are purchased a minute, 15 billion are sold each day, and upwards of 5 trillion are produced and used on an annual basis. These are shockingly high figures and shows just how much smoking is taking over the world. 
 Confidence and glamour are two main things that are linked to the use of cigarettes in films at least as early as the 1920s and 30s, when female stars’ smoking in movies and publicity "shots" went far beyond ‘bad-girl’ associations, to suggest female strength and independence.

Smoking is also shockingly used when it comes to seduction and sex as the pictures demonstrate below:
For some reason in many films big movie stars are seen as more sexy whilst holding a "smelly, smokey cigarettes in their hand" it is often used in big sexy movie scenes.

Here is a link that shows some more shocking statitsics and information about smoking:

Trip for week 12

For week 12, i believe we should visit Amsterdam. The reason for this being that smoking cannabis is legal within Amsterdam. Under Dutch drug law, coffee shops are allowed to sell a maximum of five grams of cannabis per person, over the age of 18.

Prostitution is also legal in Amsterdam, the most recent law introduced in October 2000 clearly states that prostitution is indeed legal. Amsterdam has many red light districts, sex shops also window prostitutes have been allowed to legally ply their trade.


Overall Amsterdam is very well know for Being Bad.